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Dividing Myself Into Two

Work-Life Balance

This week, we discussed managing work-life balance, its importance, and ways to achieve it in our personal lives. We also did a Life Balance Assessment wherein we shaded parts of the pie in different aspects (e.g. Physical, Financial, etc.,) to see which is greater than what section.


Before the lesson and upon learning what our topic would be in-depth, I was already thinking that I’m not good at balancing my work and personal life. And as I assessed myself during the assessment given to us, I saw some aspects in my life that I need to focus on more and give further effort to develop. For instance, financially, I need to actively plan for my finances for my future which I don’t really think about right now. But seeing how low that section was made me really ponder how to fix that aspect.

Strengths & Weakness

A strength that I can say about myself would be, being able to self-reflect. Such as being firm with my beliefs and my values. On the other hand, my area of weakness would be evaluating my goals and managing them, meaning, setting down my reminders and actually going back to them and measuring how much I’ve done. Moreover, about my strengths, according to the assessment, the Spiritual aspect is the highest I got. Denise Mortati shared one point in the article that mentions “everything is temporary” (Mortati, 2016), which is one part of my beliefs. It really supports my thought that there are things that will happen in my life, it may be an issue from schoolwork or my personal life, and it will be something that will be completed or pass by eventually. In contrast to that point, like what I have mentioned, I don’t manage my goals properly. I remember, I always write down which days I would exercise and then I’ll be doing it, and at the end of the week I forget which days I actually went to the gym.

Achieving more

Due to my work-life imbalance, something I’ve learned from this week’s discussion that I would like to apply in my life would be proper Time Management. Because I really don’t separate the important tasks I need to do with the ones that are not necessarily needed yet. In addition to that, I should learn to NOT procrastinate and I SHOULD deliberately handle tasks that are important. Moreover, I learned that putting major things behind can make you regret at the end wherein you won’t be able to do something because it’s already been done. Therefore, I would like to work more at this time on how I take control of things that are going on and my life and familiarising my capacity and capability, meaning, writing it down and analyzing them to really engrave it in my mind. I would review it every day to see where I'm at so that I will know what more areas I need to work on. Lastly, I would like to manage my emotions through the same method, which is writing things down and reviewing them every single day to see my performance and growth. Dmitry Dragilev(Dragilev, 2021) also mentioned making an Excel sheet as a way to keep a record of things. As it is digital and you can look back at it easier, plus, you can download it on your phone and view it from there as well.


Mortati, D., 2016. Work-Life Balance—the spiritual side. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 March 2021].

Dragilev, D., 2021. How to Measure a Goal (With Examples of Measurable Goals). [Online] Available at:,you%20can%20be%20the%20exception. [Accessed 10 March 2021].


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